Might Montreal become a prime ecosystem for the development of platform coops? Capitalizing on Montreal’s thriving cooperative and start-up ecosystems, this project aims to bring two sectors operating in parallel to work together to benefit the development of platforms that are truly collaborative and constitute opportunities for the city’s economic activity.
The project team will be co-presenting programming on the topic of collective ownership to the City’s incubators, accelerators, management courses, and during industry events with the objective of popularizing this type of business model / registration.
Adapting a proven model to platforms
Over the course of 9 innovation rounds, social economy funders and technical assistance providers will be adapting their products and service delivery to this new business model, with the support and coaching of local businesses.
Piloting projects
The project facilitates
the financing of 5 development or growth stage platforms with pilot capital funding and bursaries
governance and registration of up to 10 development stage platforms
pairing of 3 platforms with local incubators
07/2019 - 04/2021
Ville de Montreal, CQCM
Montreal | Quebec
More info at (site forthcoming)