Might a brokerage service for wool be a one-stop-shop solution, providing MCTIC with a long-term income stream and its member co-operatives with a value-added service that ensures their own sustainability? Through consultations with co-operatives, soum governors and various public and private actors on the wool value chain, I am co-developing a feasibility study. Project methodology blends field work and long-term mentorship to MCTIC, focusing on building human-centered design thinking capacity amongst their team.
Systems for Better Health Zambia
Might a nurses & midwives co-operative be a viable solution to the Zambian Ministry of Health’s current service delivery challenges and labor shortages? Through consultations with the MOH, nursing unions, co-operative sector representatives and co-design sessions with nursing students and retired nurses, I provided SBH with a landscape analysis detailing the system within which such a co-operative would be founded, the level of responsibility the project would be taking on, and steps (including resources and activities) towards implementation.
CRHA Business Model
How might the Council of Human Ressources Professionals adapt its business model to step into - or even lead - the Future of Work? Through a series of workshops co-hosted with percolab, a group of 15 CRHA representatives designed new business models that prepared the profession & the order to play their role in the future world of work.