Might a conversion to the cooperative model support [or hinder] a social enterprise’s scaling and mission alignment? What shifts might be involved in operations, revenue model and governance? What about group culture & individuals’ power, status and personal responsibility for this conversion to succeed? It's wise to know what may lie ahead before everyone is involved.
INVEST Mongolia
Might a brokerage service for wool be a one-stop-shop solution, providing MCTIC with a long-term income stream and its member co-operatives with a value-added service that ensures their own sustainability? Through consultations with co-operatives, soum governors and various public and private actors on the wool value chain, I am co-developing a feasibility study. Project methodology blends field work and long-term mentorship to MCTIC, focusing on building human-centered design thinking capacity amongst their team.
Systems for Better Health Zambia
Might a nurses & midwives co-operative be a viable solution to the Zambian Ministry of Health’s current service delivery challenges and labor shortages? Through consultations with the MOH, nursing unions, co-operative sector representatives and co-design sessions with nursing students and retired nurses, I provided SBH with a landscape analysis detailing the system within which such a co-operative would be founded, the level of responsibility the project would be taking on, and steps (including resources and activities) towards implementation.
CRHA Business Model
How might the Council of Human Ressources Professionals adapt its business model to step into - or even lead - the Future of Work? Through a series of workshops co-hosted with percolab, a group of 15 CRHA representatives designed new business models that prepared the profession & the order to play their role in the future world of work.
Making Good : A Roadmap for Worker Co-operatives in NYC
How might FPWA leverage NY City’s investment in worker co-operatives to further develop the business ecosystem through public-private partnerships? Through three webinars elevating the voice of practitioners as content experts and a day-long co-design convening introducing unions, city departments, elected officials, universities, CSOs and anchor institutions to co-op businesses, we drew the road ahead for collaborative ecosystem development. The events yielded a report containing 4 proposals for follow-up projects, to which each participant pledged participation.
Up&Go | Scaling Worker Co-operatives Through Platforms
How might CFL leverage technologies to increase worker co-operatives' impact on people's lives? How might they be pioneers in truly democratizing the sharing economy? Through design thinking workshops with members of 10 co-operatives and consultations with funders & professionals, we created a platform & web app that served the workers whose labor it amplified.
NYC Worker Co-operative Business Development Initiative & Coalition
How might 14 funded organizations & a dozen allies shift from competition to collaboration to develop successful cooperatives and grow the New York City worker co-operative business ecosystem? Over the course of 1.5 years, from January 2015 to July 2016, I guided the Initiative & broader Coalition as it developed its vision & strategy, aligned its activities, established shared measurements that focussed on service delivery, collaboration & referrals, increased public recognition of worker co-operatives, strengthened linkages with potential allies, advanced policy and mobilized new funding.
Réseau de la coopération du travail Strategic Planning
At a crossroads following an austerity budget in Quebec in 2014, this association of 27 worker co-operatives invited me to review its member services, engagement model, and fundraising strategy. Through consultations with members and non-members, systems & power mapping, and challenging participatory ideation with board and staff members, I produced a more coherent & impactful value proposition, business model, and development strategy for the RESEAU, as well as a change management plan to facilitate implementation.
Ruche d'art NDG
Comment Notre-Dame-de-Grâce pourrait-elle établir une ruche d'art viable, autonome et dynamique dans le quartier? Cette collaboration avec percolab a livré une étude de faisabilité concluante, et permis à une équipe d'entrepreneurs novice de devenir plus robuste, autonome et habilitéé à gouverner et gérer leur nouvelle entreprise.